Check Out Video Games Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Gaming With The Moms on BlogTalkRadio

Nicole, Linda, and Simone are joined by awesome voice actor Morla Gorrondona, who is in Destiny right now, by the way, and who is playing the badass character Battery in the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops III release. Plus we talk about the latest gaming news, what we played, and a wonderful listener’s question. Listen up! (And send in those questions, listeners! We love you, and we love your questions!)

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Morla Gorrondona, Voice Actor Extraordinaire

In popular video game Destiny, Morla is the voice of the hive and also plays Eris Morn. She is in Destiny’s House of Wolves expansion and in the latest expansion, The Taken King. She’s also in Infamous 2 and Bioshock 2. We talk about the differences between voice acting and acting for stage and screen. And then we talk about how she got started, how she built her career, and what advice she has for aspiring actors who want to work in video games.  She’s excited to be in a huge game coming out next month, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, playing an important character named Battery.

voice acting

Morla Gorrondona (photo by Corey Hayes Photography)

What We Played


Estevan sent in another question! (We love you, Estevan!) He and his wife are expecting their first child (aw….) and he wonders how you decide when to introduce kids to the more mature games. Good question, and we have lots of ideas. Here are a couple of stories about that on Pixelkin:

And here’s the latest information about what pediatricians are recommending in terms of screen time for very young children.


This podcast was recorded in the studios of the Jack Straw Cultural Center in Seattle. The music is by Pat Goodwin at Novelty Shop CreativeNicole Tanner, Linda Breneman, Simone de Rochefort, and Morla Gorrondona participated in this podcast. Thanks for listening and if you liked this episode, please rate us on iTunes and find us on BlogTalkRadio!


This article was written by

Linda learned to play video games as a way to connect with her teenaged kids, and then she learned to love video games for their own sake. At Pixelkin she wrangles the business & management side of things, writes posts as often as she can, reaches out on the social media, and does the occasional panel or talk. She lives in Seattle, where she writes, studies, plays video games, spends time with her family, consumes vast quantities of science fiction, and looks after her small cockapoo. She loves to hear from people out there. You can read more about her at her website, Linda or her family foundation's website,