Nicole, Simone, Linda, and Courtney delve into the news and what we played, as usual. We also talk a lot about the games we’re most looking forward to in 2016. What games are you excited for this year?
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- Playstation is really pulling out all the stops in this game sale. So many games.
- It’s game-awards season! Finalists have been announced both for the DICE awards and also for the GDC awards. Her Story and Undertale are a couple of indie games that are being nominated. Fallout 4 and Witcher 3 are also being given a lot of attention.
- Awesome Games Done Quick, the winter speedrunning marathon that raises money for the Prevent Cancer Foundation, raised $1.2 million. Somehow we get into a discussion about Jerry Lewis, and no one but Linda knows who he is. Linda thinks he’s deceased, but it turns out he isn’t. Sorry, Mr. Lewis. You’re awesome.
Jerry Lewis was a groundbreaking comedian. He actually IS still with us. He’s 89.
Hooray for EA’s new parental leave policy.
- Boo for Sony attempting to trademark the term “Let’s Play.”
Games We’re Excited for in 2016
Our awsome intern Ingrid Hill started us off on this topic with an awesome post: 7 Games You Should Be Riding the Hype Train for in 2016. The girl has opinions!
And so do we.
- Simone is excited that there probably won’t be an Assassin’s Creed game in 2016. Instead, Ubisoft seems to be planning to set the next game in Egypt and they’re taking a little more time to develop it.
- Courtney has a big list! Zelda for Wii U, Star Fox Zero, 11 indie games, Wattam, Below, and Oxenfree.
- Fallen London, a favorite of Simone’s, is coming out for mobile.
- Night in the Woods is coming out for PlayStation.
- Linda’s excited about the educational game Eco, a game that was designed with classrooms in mind, to teach kids about ecology. She’s also excited about VR. VR games that should be good: Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes and Gnog, a game featuring floating monster heads.
- Nicole is looking forward to the new Ratchet and Clank. Plants Vs. Zombies 2, Quantum Break, and the third-person MOBA Gigantic.
- The reboot of Final Fantasy VII might come out this year, maybe.
- And let’s not forget Mass Effect: Andromeda, Tacoma, Firewatch, and Unravel. Here’s Martin Sahlin of Unravel with Yarny, a character in his game:
What We Played
- Courtney played Assassin’s Creed Syndicate and That Dragon, Cancer, which she’s reviewing for Pixelkin. Look for that review.
- Simone played the Dead Kings DLC for Assassin’s Creed Unity.
- Linda played Rise of the Tomb Raider. P.S. She finally killed the bear!
- Nicole played Amplitude, a classic music game that doesn’t need plastic instruments and Mario Kart with Ana, who learned a new curse word.
This podcast was recorded in the studios of the Jack Straw Cultural Center in Seattle. The music is by Pat Goodwin at Novelty Shop Creative. Participating in this podcast were Nicole Tanner, Linda Breneman, Simone de Rochefort, and Courtney Holmes.
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