Every week, moms Nicole Tanner and Linda Breneman, along with Stephen Duetzmann, a dad, talk about video game news, kids, and what we’re playing. This week we devote most of the podcast to the phenomenon that is Pokémon GO.
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Pokémon GO
Yes, people, Pokémon GO is a big, huge, amazing thing!! We talk A LOT about it:

Lots of people playing Pokemon GO at Seattle’s Greenlake on a summer evening with Pokestops and lures out.
- Tips and tricks for playing from Pixelkin expert Eric Watson
- Safety concerns, both real and imagined from Engaged Family Gaming
- Server issues and crashes
- The game’s effect on Nintendo’s stock price
- Whether the craze will last and Pokémon GO’s relationship with Ingress, Niantic’s other mixed-reality game
- Other mixed-reality games we’d like to see, especially Game of Thrones (Linda wants to be the Grandmother of Dragons)
Overwatch’s New Hero
Ana is the new Overwatch hero. She sounds pretty cool. Stephen explains all the stuff she’ll be able to do.
What We Played
- Nicole played Hearthstone . Listen to find out how you can help her with an epic quest. She also played Stardew Valley and Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2.
- Linda played Pokémon GO and Overwatch.
- Stephen played Pokémon GO and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE.
Our music is by Pat Goodwin at Novelty Shop Creative. Participating in this podcast were Nicole Tanner, Linda Breneman, and Stephen Duetzmann. Look for Stephen at Engagedfamilygaming.com, on his other podcast, and on Facebook, Instagram and all the usual social media channels.
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