Brief the Chief is a historical, educational game aimed at students, where players advise famous presidents during pivotal moments in history. The free game is available via browsers on PC, and on iOS and Android mobile devices.

In Brief the Chief, players play the role of a trusted adviser to one of three presidents: President Thomas Jefferson, President Abraham Lincoln, and President Lyndon B. Johnson. Each president is going through a specific, complicated moment in history: President Jefferson and the growing tension with Haiti and France, President Lincoln with the upcoming Emancipation Proclamation, and President Johnson during his re-relection campaign in the midst of the Civil Rights Movement.

To make the most informed decisions, players will speak to a panel of trusted advisors and relevant sources. Sources include civil rights leader Amelia Boynton, First Lady Mary Lincoln’s dressmaker Elizabeth Keckly, and Haitian leader Jean Jacques Dessalines.

Players will learn how presidents make difficult decisions, and how they seek information from many perspectives.

Brief the Chief was developed by educational nonprofit iCivics. Founded in 2009 by Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, iCivics is a nonpartisan, educational developer aimed at middle and high school students. Brief the Chife was created in partnership with The White House Historical Association, and is rated E for Everyone.

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Eric has been writing for over nine years with bylines at Dicebreaker, Pixelkin, Polygon, PC Gamer, Tabletop Gaming magazine, and more covering movies, TV shows, video games, tabletop games, and tech. He reviews and live streams D&D adventures every week on his YouTube channel. He also makes a mean tuna quesadilla.