NewsPCPlayStation 4Xbox One EA On Mass Effect Remasters: “We Are Actively Looking At It” Thus far our current generation of consoles is being defined by the plethora of remasters…Eric WatsonAugust 19, 2016
NewsPCPlayStation 4Xbox One Electronic Arts Is Bringing Fans a LOT of Star Wars A few years ago Electronic Arts signed a deal with Disney giving them exclusive rights…Stephen DuetzmannJune 12, 2016
NewsPCPlayStation 4Xbox One Titanfall 2 Welcomes PS4 Players, New Single Player Campaign The sequel to 2014's sci-fi shooter Titanfall was officially announced during the Electronic Arts press…Eric WatsonJune 12, 2016
NewsPCPlayStation 4Xbox One Star Wars Battlefront Didn’t Have Single-Player – Here’s Why Star Wars Battlefront was released last year as a multiplayer only experience. Many gamers, myself…Nicole TannerMay 18, 2016
NewsPCPlayStation 4Xbox One EA to Publish Unravel Sequel Electronic Arts has announced that they've extended their partnership with Coldwood Interactive, the developers behind…Nicole TannerMay 17, 2016
NewsPCPlayStation 4Xbox One EA Play Early Bird Registration Open Now Rather than a big booth on the show floor at E3, Electronic Arts has opted…Nicole TannerMay 17, 2016
NewsPCPlayStation 4Xbox One Mass Effect: Andromeda Delayed Until 2017 The next game in the popular Mass Effect series has gotten a delay. Mass Effect:…Nicole TannerMay 10, 2016
NewsPCPlayStation 4Xbox One Get Madden NFL 17 Details on ESPN This Week One of the hallmarks of the Madden NFL series of games is the selection of…Nicole TannerMay 9, 2016
NewsPCPlayStation 4Xbox One Electronic Arts Announces Battlefield 1 EA has announced the latest game its long-running Battlefield franchise will be called Battlefield 1.…Nicole TannerMay 9, 2016
NewsPCPlayStation 4Xbox One EA Releases First Trailer for Titanfall 2 We've known it's been in development for some time, but EA dropped the first official…Nicole TannerApril 13, 2016
PCPlayStation 4ReviewsXbox One Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 Review The Plants vs. Zombies franchise has exponentially expanded its audience and game types over the…Nicole TannerMarch 16, 2016
PCPlayStation 4ReviewsXbox One Unravel Review: Beautifully Vague Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC We played on: PlayStation 4 Unravel, by Coldwood Interactive, is…Courtney HolmesFebruary 11, 2016