Gamers Outreach carts

The 8 Best Family-Gaming Panels We Attended at PAX

The Pixelkin Staff spent the weekend at PAX Prime looking at games and attending panels on a variety of topics related to family gaming. Here are the best panels we attended...Read More

Universe Sandbox 2 screenshot

The 6 Best Educational Games We Saw at PAX

The Pixelkin Staff spent the weekend at PAX Prime looking at games and attending panels on a variety of topics related to family gaming. Here are the six best educational games...Read More

costume quest 2

The 10 Best Family Games We Saw at PAX

The Pixelkin Staff spent the weekend at PAX Prime looking at games and attending panels on a variety of topics related to family gaming. Here are the 10 best family games...Read More

PAX exhibit hall

What Is PAX and Why Should You Care?

Over Labor Day weekend, video game fans from all over the world will descend upon Seattle for four days of demonstrations, panels and fun, known as PAX, which is short...Read More

Wayward Manor

[Review] Wayward Manor

Wayward Manor, author Neil Gaiman’s first foray into gaming, is a game to unite a family with varied gaming skills. An indie, point-and-click puzzle and adventure game for PC, Wayward Manor...Read More

city of heroes mmos

Playing Games Online Is Something Any Parent Can Do With Their Kids

When I was growing up in the 1990s, “stranger danger” was a popular refrain. The Internet was a brave new world, and parents were concerned that with sudden access to...Read More

bubble mania

Killing Baby Animals and Other Things No Kid Should Be Asked To Do

We talk a lot about what makes kids games good. Today, I’m going to tell you about something that can make a kid’s game very bad: emotional manipulation via imperiled baby animals. In other...Read More amazon

What’s Twitch and Why is Amazon Buying It for Nearly $1 Billion?

Non-gamers out there may not have heard of Twitch, but in the video gaming world, it’s a big thing. It’s so big that now Amazon has fought off Google’s bid...Read More

Four kids sit in a row; three are laughing, one seems unhappy and left out

New Research Shows That Kids Who Play Video Games Are More Social Than Those Who Don’t

Think back to your middle- and high-school years. You’re in the cafeteria, or on the playground, or you’re waiting outside the classroom chatting with your your friends. Suddenly, the conversation...Read More

DC Douglas interview

[Interview] Pixelkin Talks to DC Douglas about Voice Acting, Sharknados, and More

A few weeks ago I got to interview actor DC Douglas. I knew him as Legion from Mass Effect 2, one of my favorite games, but he’s had a long...Read More

mom and son video game

9 Reasons Kids Game So Much and What You Can Do About It

When I identify myself as an authority on family gaming, the conversation often goes something like this: Concerned Mom (wrinkled brow, stage whisper): “So, I don’t tell everybody this, but...Read More

Disney Infinity

Disney Infinity Is Now Free to Download for Wii U

But don’t be deceived—if you don’t already own the game on Wii, you will still be spending money. Starting today, Disney Infinity is available as a free download for Wii U from...Read More

and it is so hard

6 Games That Address Grief, Loss, and Depression

When a person, especially a young person, is experiencing grief for the first time, it can be incredibly disorienting, isolating, and confusing. If you’re watching from the outside, the feeling of...Read More

Two children, a boy and a girl, wash dishes in a bucket.

Turning Chore Time into Fun Time: Gamification in the Home

This article originally appeared on, a website dedicated to providing families with the information they need to make informed gaming decisions. We’re happy to announce that we’ll be regularly...Read More