Disney Infinity Player's Pick

Vote for the Next Disney Infinity Character

The next Disney Infinity character is in your hands! The Disney Infinity Player’s Pick started today, which means Disney is holding a vote on what character they’re going to be...Read More

universal orlando resort nintendo video game theme park

Video Game Theme Park Coming to Orlando Resort

We already knew that Nintendo and Universal Studios had had partnered up to create Nintendo-themed attractions, but it’s looking like they’ll also be making a new video game theme park.Read More

mooncrest bioware rpg female protagonists

New RPG Mooncrest Stars Two Female Protagonists

I’m sure everybody who knows me or has ever read anything I’ve written about games knows that I’m very serious about BioWare.Read More

This Week in Family Gaming: July 24, 2015

Good morning Pixelkiners! College athletes have settled a lawsuit with Electronic Arts after the athletes weren’t compensated for appearing in EA’s NCAA game series. I’m not sure in what world...Read More

angry birds 2

[Podcast] Gaming With the Moms #15: What Is the Mother of All Apps?

Check Out Technology Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Gaming With The Moms on BlogTalkRadio This week it’s all the video game news and rumors with gaming moms Nicole Tanner...Read More

madden nfl 16 football

Madden NFL 16 Hopes to Bring Back Lost Fans

Polygon’s Samit Sarkar spoke with Madden’s creative director, Rex Dickson, about Madden NFL 16 at a recent demo. There’s been a divide in NFL games fans since ESPN NFL 2K5 over...Read More

forza motorsport 6 car

Forza Motorsport 6 Gets 41 New Cars and a New Track

Forza Motorsport 6 is getting a brand new track and a bunch of new cars—41 new cars, to be specific. Read More

rise of the tomb raider special edition

Rise of the Tomb Raider Will Come to PS4…Eventually

Rise of the Tomb Raider was initially Xbox-exclusive, but today Square Enix announced that the Tomb Raider sequel will come to PlayStation 4 in “holiday season, 2016.” That’s still a...Read More

pro gamers drug use adderall drug

Pro Gamers to Get Tested for Drug Use

The Electronic Sports League will begin drug testing its competitors. This news comes after a professional Counter Strike: Global Offensive  player, Kory “Semphis” Friesen revealed that he and some of his...Read More

Life Is Strange episode 4

Life Is Strange Episode 4 Coming July 28

Life is Strange, the episodic game about a girl with time-travel powers, is getting a new episode next week. (Of course, it’s really about a lot more than that.)Read More

monkey mathschool sunshine

Ana’s Apps: Monkey MathSchool Sunshine

Often, apps that are designed to be purely educational aren’t very fun. I initially wrote off these apps as bad candidates for this series. However, as I’ve watched my daughter play,...Read More

Blizzcon virtual ticket Hearthstone Grand Tournament new hearthstone cards

New Hearthstone Expansion Launching Next Month

Blizzard Entertainment announced a massive Hearthstone expansion today. Hearthstone is the immensely popular free-to-play card-battling game on PC and iOS devices. The expansion, called The Grand Tournament, adds new elements...Read More

The Issue ep 2

The Issue: Why Miyamoto Won’t Be President of Nintendo

The Issue is a weekly show where we talk in depth about one topic. Let us know what you think in the comments! Have a topic suggestion? Email it to Recently, Nintendo’s fantastic,...Read More

borderlands cosplay gamescom

41 Games to Appear At Gamescom

We now have a list of 41 games that are slated to appear at the European gaming conference Gamescom, thanks to IGN. Not all of these will necessarily be in playable condition...Read More