Celebrating the launch of the Scorched Earth expansion, Studio Wildcard is hosting a free weekend for ARK: Survival Ascended on Steam. From today until Monday, April 8 at 10am Pacific/1pm Eastern, Survival Ascended is free to download and play on Steam.
The Scorched Earth expansion is for all Survival Ascended owners. It adds six desert-themed biomes featuring new creatures such as the legally-distinct Deathworm.
The Bob’s Tall Tales expansion pass unlocks more content, as Bob (Karl Urban) from ARK: The Animated Series journies through the different biomes and expansion packs of ARK. The Frontier Showdown pack features Bob’s adventures through Scorched Earth.
The Dear Jane event crossover with the Animated Series is also still running. Players can find notes scattered around the map to unlock costumes and skins from the show.
ARK: Survival Ascended is the enhanced remake of ARK: Survival Evolved, which originally launched back in 2015. Survival Ascended features a graphical overhaul and improvements to modernize the popular survival-crafting game. However, the previously release expansion content has been slow to join it. Expansions Aberration, Extinction, and Genesis (Parts 1 and 2) are expected to release later this year.
A full-blown sequel, ARK 2, was last teased to release by the end of the year after numerous delays. It will probably be delayed into 2025.
The free weekend ends April 8. ARK: Survival Ascended is also available on PlayStation and Xbox.