Tokyo RPG Factory has just announced their new upcoming title, Lost Sphear. The studio, a subsidiary of Square Enix, is known for their commitment to the Japanese role-playing-game genre, and Lost Sphear will continue the tradition. The new game will launch for the PS4, Nintendo Switch, and PC sometime in early 2018.

Players might remember Tokyo RPG Factory from their breakout title I Am Setsuna, which first released in Japan in early 2016. I Am Setsuna was a callback to classics like Chrono Trigger and the first several games in the Final Fantasy series. The game was positively received after launch, with critics praising the graphics, story, and poignant atmosphere.

Lost Sphear will focus on its protagonist, Kanata, who lives in a remote town. One day, Kanata awakens from a nightmare to find that his town has somehow begun to disappear. With his hometown’s oblivion impending, Kanata and his friends come together to preserve it with the power of Memory. In the game, Memory is a tangible force that is capable of turning thoughts into matter. With its help, Kanata has a chance of rebuilding his hometown before it vanishes completely from the fabric of reality.

To stay updated with the latest news, fans can check out Lost Sphear’s official website here. The game is set to release in 2018 for $49.99 USD.

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