EA Access, the Xbox One exclusive subscription service from Electronic Arts, is offering free access to its game vault for Xbox Live Gold members starting January 19 and continuing through January 24. If you’re a subscriber to the full service, you can play EA games online for free, buy games at a discounted price, and get the chance to play portions of new games that aren’t out yet.

Here are the games you’ll be able to play this week for free:

EA has said that first looks of popular upcoming games like Unravel, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, and Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 will be coming to the service later down the road. So if you want to take advantage of that, you might want spring for the subscription. The service is only available to Xbox Gold users. The regular price of the subscription is $5 a month or $30 for the entire year.

If you’re hoping to see the service make its way to the PlayStation 4, sorry. Sony declined to have the service on their consoles.

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Nicole has been playing games her entire life. Now that she's a mom, she's passionate about promoting games as a healthy pastime to other parents around the globe. She has been an editor at IGN, where she launched and hosted the Girlfight podcast. In her spare time (which is not very much, honestly) she enjoys gaming, reading, and writing fiction. Most of the time she’s a mom to a crazy, intelligent, and exhausting little girl.