Square Enix announced today that the endless runner has been downloaded more than 10 million times since its May 28 launch. 

In honor of Lara’s prolific popularity, the game has been updated with a new Mountain Pass location, where you can ride a snowmobile and beat up ice spiders and yetis.

The boss monster of the region, called “New Demon,” will shoot ice in Lara’s path in an attempt to get her to skid out.

Relic Run is available on iOS and Android for free. You can purchase boosts and outfits in-game. Despite the near-constant deaths you’ll suffer, our editor says it’s maybe kind of relaxing?

Either way, it’s great that the First Lady of video games is dominating on mobile and consoles. The next game the Tomb Raider series, Rise of the Tomb Raider, comes out this year for Xbox One and later for PlayStation 4.

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Simone de Rochefort is a game journalist, writer, podcast host, and video producer who does a prolific amount of Stuff. You can find her on Twitter @doomquasar, and hear her weekly on tech podcast Rocket, as well as Pixelkin's Gaming With the Moms podcast. With Pixelkin she produces video content and devotes herself to Skylanders with terrifying abandon.