Just Dance movement gaming

Active Gaming Is Good for you–but why Make it all About Weight Loss?

UnitedHealth Group has conducted a study on the effects of active video games on childhood obesity. The 16-week program confirmed that children who played active video games on the Kinect...Read More

Watch Dogs

New Release: Watch Dogs

One of the most widely anticipated games of the year just came out and…it’s perhaps a little less exciting than we thought it would be. Despite high reviews, Ubisoft’s Watch...Read More

5 lies video

Hi-Res Episode 3: Five Lies You've Been Told About Video Games

Have you noticed that the media gets kind of, uh, intense when talking about the dangers of video games? Here are five common misconceptions you’ll hear—and a few reasons to...Read More

No Lazy Gaming. What Comes After Minecraft?

Last summer I met two boys (both under 10) who were thrilled to learn I played Minecraft. They wanted to know what I had built. “Um, a really ugly castle,” I...Read More

Super Mario mushroom clock

16 Games You Can Finish In Under 10 Hours

Most gamers get kind of upset when a game they like is too short. They feel cheated. But there’s nothing that says shorter games are worse games. Most of us...Read More

Big Brother is watching privacy

When You Game Online, Your Info Is Saved. But Who Saves It?

In the last decade of popular online console gaming, a generation of human beings has gone from tiny babies to hormonal middle schoolers. If you’re a young person, that might sound...Read More

hour of code

Codecademy Makes Its Free Lessons Available to Spanish, French, and Portuguese Speakers

Learning to code will be one of the most important skills kids can learn in coming years. Free-to-use website Codecademy is a major resource for those looking for coding lessons—in...Read More

Disney Infinity Marvel superheroes

The New Disney Infinity Trailer Is Way Cool (And Way Cute)

Brace your wallets, parents. The Avengers are coming. Last month it was announced that the popular sandbox/figurine game Disney Infinity is adding the cast of The Avengers to its roster...Read More

Elder Scrolls Online

Elder Scrolls Online—Fairly Progressive Game; Fairly Regressive Community

Last month saw the release of Elder Scrolls Online on the PC and Mac platforms. Release on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 is set for later this year. Set...Read More


How Long Did It Take You To Play? Log It on Gamelengths!

Ever wondered how long it will take you to finish a game? Yeah, us too. (To be honest, my finish time is usually far longer than everybody else’s—what can I...Read More

Transistor header

New Release: Transistor

From the makers of the much-beloved game Bastion comes Transistor, a new action-RPG with a female protagonist. Transistor takes place in the gorgeously rendered sci-fi city of Cloudbank. Red, a voiceless musician,...Read More

Pigeon app image

8 Great iPhone and iPad Apps for Kids

How did people parent before smartphones or mobile tablets? I received my first iPhone when my daughter was about 3 years old, and having that magical little box with us...Read More

Bryan Roth profile

Geocaching's Bryan Roth Explains How Gaming Helps Kids

A few weeks ago, Groundspeak hosted the Pixelkin staff at its super-cool Geocaching HQ in Seattle’s Fremont neighborhood. We learned all about Geocaching, the amazing game of high-tech treasure hunting,...Read More

Accessibility Jam

What Accessibility Jam is Doing to Help Disabled Gamers and Why It Matters

On May 11th, gamers around the world kicked off Accessibility Jam, a three-week game jam all about accessibility. (If you aren’t sure what a game jam is, check out this...Read More