peach smash super smash bros. wii u

Research Finds That Male Gamers Hate Losing to Women

A new study has found evidence that men get upset about women outperforming them in games. News? Maybe not entirely—and I have some quibbles with the study itself, as always....Read More

PvZ playing plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare learning gaming

Tech-Less Mom: Playing Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare

I love post-apocalyptic stories: movies, television shows, books, you name it. If it takes place after a worldwide flu epidemic or there are zombies roaming around, I’m in. So when...Read More

windows 10

Xbox One To Windows 10 Streaming Is Live

Red alert, Xbox One owners! If you’re in the Windows 10 beta, you can now start streaming games between the Xbox One and Windows 10 devices.Read More

School's Out Summer Sale

School’s Out and Video Game Summer Sales Are In

Summer is in full swing—and let’s be real, by now you might be getting kind of sick of it. Isn’t it time to send the kids back to school yet? Aren’t their...Read More

Xbox One Madden NFL 16 bundle

Xbox One Madden NFL 16 Bundle Coming Soon

If you’re looking to pick up an Xbox One and also happen to plan on picking up Madden NFL 16, this is your moment.Read More

origin account EA

Origin is Getting a Name Change

Origin, EA’s online store and account service, will now be known simply as your “EA Account.”  Read More

Indie Game Making Contest 2015 Humble Game Making Bundle

Indie Game Making Contest 2015 Gets New Judge, More Humble Bundle Stuff

The Indie Game Making Contest 2015 has announced new Humble Bundle products and a new judge—Daniel Emmons from the Extra Credits team.Read More

Mario Party 10 saturo iwata

A Tribute to Satoru Iwata: How Nintendo Shaped My Childhood

For many, video games are used as a tool to have fun with friends or to pass the time. However, for someone like me, they are used as a tool...Read More

LearningWorks for Kids—A Database of Educational Apps

LearningWorks For Kids’ mission statement is: “popular video games and other digital media, when used mindfully and responsibly, can be powerful tools for sharpening and improving children’s academic performance and cognitive...Read More


Let’s Play Monday: Splatoon Single-Player

If you’ve been following us for awhile you know how much we adore Splatoon, Nintendo’s paint-splatting multiplayer game.Read More

Assassin's Creed Unity men

Video Game Pricing: Mysterious No More

Many a time I’m sure you’ve rolled your eyes at a digital storefront (like I have) and exclaimed about the high prices of downloadable games. $60 for some data? You’re not...Read More

nintendo consoles

Who Is in Charge at Nintendo?

Last weekend, the gaming world was profoundly changed when Nintendo announced the loss of its beloved president and CEO Satoru Iwata. While we are still heartbroken at his passing, we are...Read More

angry birds 2

Angry Birds 2 Set for Release on July 30

The immensely popular Angry Birds game will get its first official sequel. Angry Birds 2 will be released on July 30. I know what you’re thinking. This is a sequel? What...Read More

EA NCAA Settlement

EA NCAA Settlement Results in $60 Million Payment to Athletes

The dispute between a number of college athletes and the Electronic Arts official NCAA video games has come to an end. A federal judge in the District Court on Northern...Read More