If your kid isn’t especially athletic but loves playing video games, Super League Gaming may be just the thing. “The youth sports experience for gamers” is now in 16 cities nationwide, and City Champs Season 3 commences in April.

How does City Champs work?

Kids meet on four consecutive Saturdays starting April 21 in local movie theaters across the country. They play a set of seven Minecraft mods created by Super League—there are modes that incorporate building, soccer, and fighting. Top scorers from four cities get to play in the final, May 19.

Kids bring their own laptops and play on them, but the overall action is streamed on the big screen. There’s a lot of interaction among the kids, and friendly competition is encouraged. What you end up with is a competitive sports-type experience involving kids who might not otherwise get that experience.

“For parents who aren’t as savvy, part of the event in orientation for parents,” says Super League spokesperson Josh Goldstein. Parents get in for free, making it easy for them to share in the experience. “You can be that little league parent and root on your kids.”

Anyone can buy a ticket. Tickets are $60.00, and they’re sold online only. Included in the experience are a (very cool) team jersey and 90 minutes of gameplay on four consecutive Saturdays (five if your team makes the finals).  Meet and greet day is April 21. Competition days are April 28, May 5, and May 12. The finals are May 19. Each day, activities start at 10:30 a.m. and end about noon.SUper league gaming

According to the website, “Teams earn points based on how well they place in each individual game mode. Team points are added up to determine their City Club’s score. This total score is how each City Club is ranked within their division.” For more information about City Champs and how it works, check out the FAQ on the Super League website.

If you grew up with arcade gaming and miss the camaraderie and socialization, you might want to check out this tournament.

“It seems like kids really love it,” Goldstein says.

Check out the video of last year’s tournament. It does look like a lot of fun for kids who love video games.

This article was written by

Linda learned to play video games as a way to connect with her teenaged kids, and then she learned to love video games for their own sake. At Pixelkin she wrangles the business & management side of things, writes posts as often as she can, reaches out on the social media, and does the occasional panel or talk. She lives in Seattle, where she writes, studies, plays video games, spends time with her family, consumes vast quantities of science fiction, and looks after her small cockapoo. She loves to hear from people out there. You can read more about her at her website, Linda Breneman.com or her family foundation's website, ludusproject.org.
