At the end of June, Google’s annual I/O conference marked the debut of Cardboard, a brand-new, low-tech alternative for virtual reality (VR) technology. VR has been pretty experimental so far, and while the tech industry was all abuzz when Facebook bought Oculus Rift back in March, few people have had the opportunity to actually try out the headset itself.
But with Google Cardboard, anyone with an Android smartphone can build a simple VR headset out of cardboard and tape. I’ll show you how in this video, complete with tips to make it easier.
If you really hate getting crafty, you can buy the cardboard headset by clicking here.
If you want to get your hands dirty, here are all of the supplies you’ll need to finish the project:
- One large pizza box
- One Android phone
- Two lenses
- Scissors
and/or X-ACTO knife
- Stick-on Velcro
- Tape
- One rubber band
- OPTIONAL: one ceramic and one disc magnet
- OPTIONAL: markers and stickers for decoration
Learn more about Google Cardboard on the official website by clicking here.