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1. What’s your favorite kind of video game to play with your family?
Something active like Wii Sports that everyone can get involved in.

2. What’s your favorite quality in a male game character? Female game character?
In a male character it’s when they actually show signs of inner conflict over actions they take. They’re not perfect, they mess up and they struggle with the right thing to do in moral grey areas. In female characters it’s getting to see them rise up and overcome a set of expectations placed on them within the game world.

3. What kinds of game do you avoid?
Sports Simulations, I really don’t see the appeal in them.

4. What’s your favorite quality in your gaming buddies?
A competitive edge or someone I can discuss the impact of the plot with.

5. What’s your main fault as a gamer?
I obsessively collect collectables to the detriment of progress through the story.

6. How has gaming shaped your identity?
Rather than recounting the whole story this link probably tells you a lot about how gaming has shaped my identity.

7. What’s your idea of a miserable gaming experience?
Anything involving lots of spreadsheet management.

8. In which virtual world would you choose to vacation?
The Citadel in Mass Effect

9. Which game did you find most visually appealing?
Katamari Damaci

10. Which game soundtrack would you listen to on repeat?
Thomas Was Alone.

11. Which game has your favorite story?
Beyond: Good and Evil. It’s a story of political corruption and the power of a trainee journalist to change the world with one well reported story. It also features one of the most awesome female leads in gaming, Jade.

12. Which videogame character would you choose to be a hero for your kids?
Jade from Beyond: Good and Evil.

13. What are your favorite gaming snacks?
Red Bull and Prawn Cocktail Crisps.

14. What videogame character would you pick to cosplay if you had unlimited time and resources?
Female N7 Armour Commander Shepard.