Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider is an installment of the action-adventure series of the same name. Tomb Raider is one of the most famous…
Scott Snowden
October 13, 2014


Thief is a first-person stealth game which puts you in the shoes of the master…
Scott Snowden
October 13, 2014


Tearaway is a platformer for the PS Vita that uses all of the Vita's capabilities,…
Scott Snowden
October 13, 2014

Watch Dogs

Watch Dogs is a sandbox style action-adventure game that centers around fugitive hacker Aiden Pearce…
Scott Snowden
October 13, 2014


Destiny is a massively multiplayer online shooter developed by Bungie, the creators of Halo.
Scott Snowden
October 13, 2014