Don't Make Educational Gaming Into Dessert
Are games our just rewards? Or are they something more? Lucas Gillispie, teacher and founder of his school’s MMORPG club, says we should stop treating classroom gaming as the “fun”...Read More
How a Teacher Used This Video Game To Explain Feminist Theory
It can be difficult to teach one group about the oppression of another, especially in situations when the oppression stems from multiple factors. “Intersectionality” is the feminist theory that when...Read More
New Release: Killzone: Shadow Fall
Killzone: Shadow Fall, the new first-person shooter from the Killzone series, was released today. It is the 4th installment for console and the 6th overall. The game is a PlayStation...Read More
PlayStation 4: What You Need to Know
As you may already know, after many months of mounting excitement in the media, the PlayStation 4 is finally here. It’s hard to keep track of all the stories, features,...Read More
Games Unplugged: 5 Board Games You Should Be Playing
Just as the video game industry is exploding with fantastically creative games every day, so has the board game industry been expanding in new and delightful directions. Board gaming is...Read More
What to Do When Your Spouse Chooses Gaming Over Dinner
“Lost in Angry Birds Space” writes to advice columnist Captain Awkward to find out what she should do about a husband and father who won’t stop gaming and won’t listen...Read More
How a Mom Bonded With Her College Kid Through Online Gaming
Malinda felt herself growing apart from her son Dillon when he left for college. “It seemed over time our conversations were less meaningful and … we were starting to disconnect....Read More
Signs That Gaming Is Stressing Your Kids Out
Many people say they like gaming because it’s an effective stress-reliever—it’s engaging entertainment that keeps your mind off immediate real-world problems. It’s relaxing and it works as a mood-enhancer for...Read More
10 Life and Career Skills You can Learn From MMORPGs
Lucas Gillispie, high school teacher, shares some of the things he’s learned from MMORPGs. Some of them might surprise you.Read More
What to Watch Out for When Reading This Infographic
When it comes to gaming in the classroom, it seems everyone has an opinion. Education reform is always tricky, and it’s very important that, with our children’s futures at stake,...Read More
A Gamer's Way To Give
We’ve already featured some of the many examples of gamers making the world a better place. Now there’s a new example from a Seattle company called Game It Forward. Quingo, Game...Read More
Students Showcase Their Skills With Game Design
Here in Seattle, we’re lucky enough to be surrounded not only by many game companies (Valve, 343 Industries, and Big Fish to name a few), but also by fantastic programs...Read More
Games Unplugged: LARPing 101
As a kid, I played games at recess that involved some very weird imaginary scenarios. There was one about a magical rainbow summer camp populated by giant spiders, and another...Read More