The Yawhg is a storytelling game where different choices will yield different outcomes for your characters.
Easy to Play
Great Graphics/Art
Great Music
Great Story
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Story & Themes
The Yawhg is a very short game--in fact, it can be played to completion in 20 minutes or so, though most will probably want to play through multiple times to enjoy it thoroughly. There are four characters to choose from, and you must pick at least two, but multiple players may also want to play cooperatively.
The story changes every time, but the main theme is this: in six weeks, the Yawgh is returning. You must find a way to protect your town. Each character can build a set of skills by choosing different responses and places to explore; for instance magical aptitude or physical strength. Upon the Yawgh's return, those skills will aid you in defining the outcome of the story, and whether you have saved the town.
The game is really about sacrifice. If your only goal is to save the town, you might put all of your time into one skill. But a warrior is only a warrior during times of strife, and must someone whose only skill is magic or strength won't have an easy time of it in times of peace. If you choose a more well-rounded way of life, you will be better equipped to overcome any struggle, but you are more likely to lose your town if you've spread yourself too thin.
Save Points
There are no save points in this game, but it is easily playable in one sitting, being only 20 minutes or so long.
This game is very easy for any age or player experience level, though it does require reading ability.
Heads Up!
Violence There is some violent content. It is not typically graphic violence, but rather text-based. There are some quite unsettling passages having to do with boils growing on skin, vampires, and murder. It is, however, very fantastical throughout.
Scary Imagery There is some mildly scary imagery, but nothing very graphic--it's more like an illustrated short story than an animated game or movie. Some of the text passages, however, may also be somewhat frightening.
Sex & Nudity While there is no actual sexual content in the game, there is one scene in a dark alley that implies you may be accepting a proposition--it turns out that the woman is actually a vampire who wants to bite you, though.
Conversation Starters
- How did you feel about the endings your characters got?