Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon is an RPG dungeon-crawler in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series.
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Story & Themes
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon begins with a quiz that matches players with a Pokémon, though players can alter the game's choice if there's a particular Pokémon they'd rather play as. After this, the story starts as players are transformed from a human into a Pokémon with no idea of how that happened. Luckily, other characters are around to show the player character the ropes, guiding them in the ways of exploring dungeons, battling other Pokémon, and completing quests. Each dungeon is randomly generated, so players will never know what challenges await them around the corner.
The game is very easy to learn and control.
Heads Up!
Violence Pokémon battle each other and inflict damage, but injured Pokémon are only knocked unconscious. The intensity of violence is on par with other games in the franchise.
Consumerism The game is part of a massive franchise that includes numerous games, a popular television show, and other various products and pieces of merchandise.
Conversation Starters
- Do you think you would enjoy this game if you had never played any Pokémon games before? Why or why not?
- Which type of Pokémon is your favorite? Why?