Nintendo Land is a virtual theme park full of minigames from various different Nintendo franchises.
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Nintendo Land stars your custom Nintendo Mii and a talking robot named Monita. The game's main menu is designed to look like a large, circular plaza with a central tower and twelve gates, each of which leads to individual minigames ("attractions") based on famous Nintendo franchises. These include The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, and Super Mario. Over time, success within the minigames gives you coins, which you can spend in a central, arcade-style game to earn items which will then decorate your plaza. Other Mii from around the world can be seen walking through your plaza, but interaction is limited and closely monitored.
Game accomplishments are saved automatically at the end of every minigame. Group tournaments cannot be saved halfway through, but they don't last long.
The game is fun for all levels of gamers because the controls are simple and the rules are easy to learn. Some of the minigames are easier than others: Yoshi's Fruit Cart is great for little kids, whereas Metroid Blast is best suited to more advanced players.
Violence Violence includes throwing ninja stars at paper ninjas (making them explode), shooting arrows or swinging swords at fantasy creatures that appear to be made of yarn, and shooting rayguns at aliens in a sci-fi setting. All violence depicted in the game is cartoonish and lacks blood or gore.
Scary Imagery Metroid Blast, the most difficult minigame in Nintendo Land, has you up against hordes of aliens which can be a little scary or overwhelming. Other games like Balloon Trip Breeze are not frightening at all.
Strong Language In the minigame Pikmin Adventure, players can be swallowed by brightly colored enemies which then "poop" them out. For a few seconds, the player is stuck in a pile of poop.
Consumerism Because lots of franchises are represented in Nintendo Land, the game might make a player tempted to buy other Nintendo video games.
Discrimination Players can customize their Mii to look however they like. There is a great deal of design freedom.
In the game's main plaza, Miis from around the world can walk around. If you run up to them, you can read messages that they have posted. These can be either text messages or drawings, so it's possible that something inappropriate be posted. However, they are closely regulated, and anything from drawings of poop to website URLs are flagged quickly.
- Does it make you angry when you lose a minigame? Why?
- Why is it important to share the game pad with the other players in the room?
- How did working together make that game easier?