LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens is an action/adventure game and LEGO’s take on Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens.
Great Characters
Great Graphics/Art
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Story & Themes
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens follows the plot of the corresponding Star Wars film while also filling in some of the gaps between Episode VI and Episode VII. While the game simplifies and condenses the narrative, it's a faithful and kid-friendly adaptation of this new chapter in the franchise.
In addition to the film's positive themes of perseverance and the triumph of good over evil, the game emphasizes the importance of working together. Each of the characters has their own specific strengths and skills that, when combined, help to form a cohesive and successful team.
Save Points
The game saves at checkpoints and can be manually saved whenever players choose to save and quit.
The Force Awakens has simple controls as well as helpful hints and reminders if players ever forget how to do something. There are plenty of walkthroughs available online for players who are stuck.
Heads Up!
Violence Characters use blasters, lightsabers, and other weapons to defeat enemies. Once dispatched, enemies break apart into various LEGO pieces before disappearing.
Strong Language The word "hell" appears in dialogue.
Consumerism The game is part of two major franchises: LEGO and Star Wars. As such, there is a tremendous amount of merchandise associated with it that players may be tempted to purchase after playing the game. LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens also includes optional DLC that is available for purchase.
Conversation Starters
- Who's your favorite character to play as? Why?
- Do you like gathering all of the in-game collectibles? If so, what motivates you to spend time on this additional aspect of the game?
- How does The Force Awakens compare with other LEGO games you've played? Do you like the changes made to the gameplay, such as the Blaster Battle sequences?