Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga is an action/adventure game based on the Lego toy line of the same franchise that spans all six Star Wars episodes.
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Story & Themes
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga combines the story and gameplay of both Lego Star Wars: The Video Game and its sequel Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. Together, The Complete Saga spans the overarching storyline of all six Star Wars episodes, following young Anakin Skywalker's transformation from Jedi Knight to Darth Vader, then picking up the story of his son, Luke Skywalker. The game stays true to the original story of the films, but simplifies certain aspects in order to shorten the length and appeal to younger kids. Because some material is left out or glossed over, it's best to have some familiarity with the films before playing the game.
Save Points
The game autosaves once a level has been completed, or after you have purchased an item.
Lego Star Wars is a perfect family game and can be played easily by younger kids.
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Violence Violent content consists of fighting with Lightsabers and shooting enemy spacecraft from fighter jets. At the most, it's PG-rated content.
Consumerism Lego Star Wars is tied in very closely to the Lego toy line of the same franchise, and further promotes the purchasing of the Lego sets.
Online Community
The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game support online co-op of up to two players. Local multiplayer is also available.
Conversation Starters
- Do you like Lego's portrayal of the Star Wars franchise? Is it faithful to the series?
- The game was based off of a Lego toy line, and is probably meant to sell more Lego products? Does this bother you or make you less inclined to play the game?