Jurassic World Evolution is a sim management game based on the Jurassic World film, where players construct their own dinosaur zoo on a series of tropical islands.
Easy to Play
Exceptional Learning
Great Graphics/Art
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Story & Themes
Jurassic World Evolution is a theme park management simulation based on the fourth film in the Jurassic Park/World franchise. As the new park director, players construct, expand, and maintain their own Jurassic Parks through Career, Sandbox, and Challenge modes.
In Career mode, players will progress through each of the five fictional islands, with the goal of raising each one to five stars by investing in dinosaur exhibits, attractions, and stores, researching new dinosaur breeds and caring for their ongoing needs, and maintaining a safe and welcoming park. Players will also complete contract quests by each of the main divisions: entertainment, science, and security.
In Sandbox mode, players are given the entire Isla Nublar location (home to Jurassic Park and Jurassic World) to build using whatever they've unlocked in Career mode, without money concerns. Challenge mode offers adjustable difficulty levels through the Career mode islands, in order to unlock special dino skins.
Save Points
The game autosaves periodically, and players can save any time.
As far as park management games go, Jurassic World Evolution is on the easier side. Career mode walks you through all the important systems, such as electricity, fencing, and paths. Unlocking each new island isn't difficult, though obtaining a full five stars can be quite challenging.
Challenge mode (released in the 1.4 and later updates) adds additional layers of difficulty to the Career mode for veteran players.
Heads Up!
Violence Predators can fight and eat each other if placed into the same enclosure, and dinosaurs can be bloodied as a result. Dinosaurs can also escape from their enclosures and attack and eat guests, though without any gore.
Scary Imagery A large dinosaur eating a guest could be a bit scary.
Sex & Nudity None.
Strong Language None.
Substance Use None.
Consumerism Jurassic World Evolution features several paid DLC packs that feature new dinosaurs and dinosaur variants, as well as three larger story-based expansion packs, ranging from $4.99 to $19.99.
Conversation Starters
- Is Jurassic World Evolution faithful to the franchise?
- What's your favorite dinosaur to put in the park?
- Which island has been the most challenging to play on?