Game of Thrones is an episodic, point-and-click adventure game based on the television show of the same name and developed by Telltale Games.
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Game of Thrones takes place in the same world established by the HBO TV show (which, in turn, is based off of the book series by George R. R. Martin). However, the game focuses on the Forrester family of northern Westeros who are only briefly mentioned in "A Song of Fire and Ice." At the beginning of the first episode, the player begins by controlling Lord Gregor Forrester's squire, Gared Tuttle, as the events of the Red Wedding unfold. Lord Forrester and his son and heir, Rodrick, are both killed by the Freys, and Gared must escape the onslaught in order to return to the Forrester's home in the Ironwood. After this point, the controllable character shifts as suits the story, and at various times throughout the game players can take control of young Ethan Forrester, second-born Asher Forrester, eldest daughter Mira Forrester, and others.
If this synopsis sounds confusing, that's because many of the game's events can only be fully understood and appreciated after watching the television show. Though the Forresters themselves are not featured in the show, the major forces shaping their story and many of the side characters are. For this reason, it's recommended that players have some familiarity with either the books or the show before playing the game.
The game automatically saves fairly frequently. Also, it should be noted that each episode could potentially be played in a single sitting as the gameplay length per episode is about two hours.
The controls are very simple and are meant to accommodate players of different physical capabilities. Dialogue choices and quick time events do require a relatively prompt response, but, if missed, battle scenes will restart.
Violence Violence is abounding and fairly graphic much in the style of the TV series. However, unlike the show, the game's art style is meant to mimic that of an oil painting, so the violence doesn't look quite as realistic.
Strong Language Game of Thrones features heavy swearing, including words like f*ck and c*nt.
Substance Use Alcohol is drunk on a regular basis by characters, and in one scene the player, as Mira Forrester, can choose whether or not to drink some wine.
Consumerism Because of its close tie-in with the show and novels, Game of Thrones could inspire the purchasing of items from the other two mediums.
- What did you think of the decision-making aspect of the game? Did your choices feel impactful or irrelevant?
- Did the game capture what you liked about the show and/or book series? Why or why not?
- Which controllable character is your favorite? Why?
- What do you think of the game's violence? Is it always necessary?