Don’t Starve is a Tim Burton-esque survival game.
Challenging Play
Great Graphics/Art
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Story & Themes
The game's main story is told through its trailer, rather than the game itself, which is very simple. Its protagonist, a scientist named Wilson, is fooled into making a mysterious machine by the antagonist, Maxwell. This machine spirits him away to another world, where he is forced to survive the terrors of nightfall by gathering appropriate materials during the day. The nights Wilson has survived are marked by a calendar, and the goal if the game is simply to survive as many nights as possible.
Don't Starve is a roguelike, meaning that the characters, upon dying, will not be reborn like in most games. The player will have to start the game over upon death (though they can also return to a previous save).
Save Points
Players may save whenever they choose.
Don't Starve becomes more and more difficult as the days and nights progress, and some players find it so difficult at later levels that it is too frustrating to continue.
Heads Up!
Violence Cartoon fantasy violence only.
Scary Imagery If you're familiar with the Nightmare Before Christmas, the aesthetic and fear factor in Don't Starve is similar. Whimsical, but dark. Some kids may be frightened by its monsters, while others won't bat an eyelash. However, the constant survival mechanic may be nerve wracking for some players.
Conversation Starters
- How would you survive if you were "accidentally" left behind on a camping trip or got lost in the woods?