Costume Quest 2 is a hilarious holiday-centric adventure game all about saving Halloween.
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Wren and Reynold are just two ordinary twins who love costumes and candy. One Halloween, they spot the dentist Orel White cavorting with a time wizard. With the wizard’s help, White uses time travel to steal a magical talisman and eventually become supreme dental overlord of the world, outlawing candy and costumes. The twins must use time travel (and magical Halloween costumes that transform them into awesome fighters) to take down White and rescue Halloween.
There are two main aspects to Costume Quest 2’s gameplay: exploration and turn-based fighting. The game is broken up into numerous areas to explore, and in each you are tasked with going door to door collecting candy. At some doors, bad guys are waiting to attack you, which will launch a fight scene. Each area also has secret chests, clever missions, and hidden caches of candy to discover.
Costume Quest 2 autosaves, or you can find a drinking fountain (scattered throughout the game) to force the game to save.
Violence Fighting is a major component of the gameplay; however, there is no blood or gore. Bad guys explode into puffs of smoke and candy.
Sex & Nudity At the end of the game, two kids can be heard discussing meeting up on a mountain to stargaze. It's strongly implied that they will be doing more than just stargazing. It's unclear how old the kids are.
Substance Use The player can go into a bar and interact with some patrons, but alcohol is not explicitly referenced.
Discrimination Costume Quest 2 cracks more than one fat joke. They are pretty subtle, which may mean it's all the more important for you to talk about them with your kids.
- Did you choose to play as Wren or Reynold? Why?
- Do you like going to the dentist's office? Why or why not?
- Why was Orel White so opposed to Halloween? Do you think adults are influenced by the actions of their parents?
- Why is it bad to have too much candy?
- Did you notice that a few characters were mocked for being overweight? How did this make you feel?