Banjo-Kazooie is a platformer and the first installment in the titular series which features the adventures of Banjo, a honey bear and a red bird called Kazooie.
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Story & Themes
Banjo-Kazooie pits the eponymous protagonists against a malicious witch, Gruntilda, who is jealous of Banjo's sister, Tooty. Gruntilda realizes that Tooty is considered pretty, so she kidnaps the young bear and builds a contraption that will allow her to steal Tooty's beauty. Banjo and Kazooie immediately set out to rescue her, though in order to do so they must first collect jigsaw pieces (called jiggies) and musical notes. The two heroes are able to defeat Gruntilda by competing against her in a game show--Grunty's Furnace Fun--which, after they win, a panicked Gruntilda flees. Banjo and Kazooie begin to celebrate their success, but the newly rescued Tooty reminds them that a free Gruntilda is still dangerous. They return to the witch's lair, tracking her down to the top of a tower. Together, Banjo and Kazooie manage to trap her under a boulder, and, satisfied, they return home to celebrate while Gruntilda swears her revenge.
Banjo-Kazooie was made to be kid-friendly and accessible.
Heads Up!
Violence The game features the kind of very mild, fantasy-type violence common to games like Super Mario 64.
Conversation Starters
- Do you think Banjo-Kazooie is similar to the Mario games? If so, is this a good comparison?
- Which of the two protagonists is your favorite? Why?