Pixelkin.org is a mission-driven website designed to help families with information about video games and gaming. To take advantage of all that the site has to offer, it’s very important for you to understand your and Pixelkin.org’s rights and responsibilities.


We believe in curiosity, rigorous research, creativity, respect, and emerging models for education and learning. We embrace popular culture and technology, and we honor scientific principles and research.

Our goal is to be the #1 place to go to learn about video games and families. We want to help drive ongoing conversations on the relevant risks, benefits, and research.


If you want to leave comments on Pixelkin.org, you are responsible for providing accurate registration information through Disqus and for keeping your information up-to-date.

We abide by COPPA. If you are younger than 13 years old, you are not eligible to comment. If Pixelkin.org finds comments have been made by someone under the age of 13, we will delete the comments with the objective of protecting the user.

Community Standards

We want Pixelkin.org to be a safe and fun place for everyone. Therefore, by using Pixelkin.org, you agree to be bound by the terms of service outlined below. You acknowledge and agree that Pixelkin.org may remove content that violate these standards, as determined in its sole discretion, with or without notice to you.

In the course of using Pixelkin.org, you agree to our community guidelines. We encourage freedom of speech, but…

  • We do not want to see hate speech.  Language that is hateful, violent, or that victimizes, degrades, defiles or disparages any group based on race, gender, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or age will not be tolerated.

  • We also won’t tolerate unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, deceptive, or fraudulent conduct; conduct that is invasive of another’s privacy, or content that conveys explicit or graphic descriptions or accounts of sex or sexual acts; or profanity. Pixelkin.org is a diverse, inclusive, and all-ages space, and we will do our utmost to keep it that way.

  • We don’t want impersonators! We do not allow users to falsely represent themselves or their affiliations, associations, or connections with other entities.

  • So that everyone’s privacy is respected, we do not allow users to collect email addresses or other personal information that has been posted by other users for purposes other than networking. This includes purposes such as, but not limited to, marketing, harassment, or intimidation.

  • We do not allow users to express or imply that any statements they make are endorsed by us, without our prior written consent. We do not actively endorse any statement or comment made by any user. We expect users to be responsible for and take care with their statements and comments.

  • Users are not allowed to post, upload, transmit, send or otherwise make available on or through Pixelkin.org any information that constitutes junk mail, spam, pyramid schemes, chain letters, phishing, advertising, and/or commercial offers.

  • Users are not allowed to restrict or inhibit any other visitor, user, or member from using the Site.

If you find another user in violation of these terms, please bring it to our attention by flagging the content as inappropriate. Although we cannot take responsibility for every instance of inappropriate content, we will do our utmost to make Pixelkin.org a safe and welcoming place for all. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time if you feel unsafe or unwelcome.

Privacy Policy

Pixelkin.org’s Privacy Policy explains how we treat your personal data and protect your privacy. We will protect your privacy carefully and consistently at all times.

Terms of Service

Pixelkin.org’s Terms of Service explain our rights, your rights, and all the rights in between. We look forward to our users submitting, sharing, and creating content, and we want to protect all individuals involved from theft and other unsavory activity.

Contact Information

You may contact us at linda-breneman@comcast.net