The Sailor’s Dream is an ethereal exploration game for iOS.
Great Graphics/Art
Great Music
Great Story
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Story & Themes
The Sailor’s Dream sets you in a beautiful and peaceful ocean, surrounded by six small islands. You can explore each island in whatever order you like, scrolling through rooms and discovering items that each reveal a tiny piece of a larger story. Some rooms contain mysterious shapes that make amazing sounds when tapped, spun, stretched, or dragged. The game includes special events that happen only at certain times and on certain days. The use of headphones is strongly encouraged.
The Sailor’s Dream tells the tale of a man, a woman, and a young girl who lived by the sea. The man was a sailor, and he would have to leave for long stretches of time. The story is somewhat dark; however, the dark parts of the game are never shown explicitly. They are told, either by written or spoken word. The game is also out of chronological order, which makes the details dreamlike and uncertain.
Save Points
The Sailor's Dream saves automatically whenever the player discovers something new (a song, a memory, etc.).
The Sailor's Dream is very simple to play. It's allure is in the experience it creates for the player.
Heads Up!
Violence Violence is discussed, but never shown.
Scary Imagery Some of the issues discussed, such as suicide, mental illness, and isolation, may be disturbing to children.
Substance Use Alcohol and tobacco are mentioned in passing.
Conversation Starters
- Why did the sailor choose to live most of his life at sea, instead of with the people he loved?
- What are some other stories that discuss the allure of the sea?
- Why did the house burn down?
- Is there a right or wrong kind of family?
- What do you think the ending means?
- Why do you think the woman wrote songs and threw them out to sea?
- Have you ever been very lonely? How did you cope?