Need for Speed Rivals is a cross-country racing game where players are either cops or street racers.
Easy to Play
Great Graphics/Art
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Story & Themes
In Need for Speed Rivals, the player can play as either a cop or a street racer. The goal of the racers is to win races, and the goal of the cops is to catch the racers and stop them from competing in street races. The races take place on scenic country highways. Cops can set traps (like spike strips, and other speed traps) for racers, while racers can ram into other racers or cops.
The title, "Rivals," comes from the infamous, heated rivalry between cops and street racers.
Save Points
The game saves each time a race is completed.
Need for Speed Rivals gets progressively more difficult as the game goes on, but is not difficult to learn.
Heads Up!
Violence Cars can crash into other cars and cause realistic crashes. It's in the same vein as an action movie explosion. The police officer character and the street racer character are both injured in crashes, but no injuries are shown.
Consumerism You can win money in races to buy nicer cars. All the cars are real-life models. You can also use real-life currency to unlock more cars.
Online Community
You can play online with other players. This means you can communicate online and could be exposed to foul language, etc., as in any online game.
Conversation Starters
- Do you think this game is realistic?
- Would cops go to "any means necessary" to stop street races?
- Do you think street racing is more interesting than racing on a track?
- How do you save up for the next car you want?